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Table to File
Started by Owen, Jun., 24 2005 9:32 PM - No answer
Posted on June, 24 2005 - 9:32 PM
Hello all,
I got a question. I know how to fill a table from a file and then it is link back to the file for saving. Problem is you can only sort on Key fields...
I guess you could set the other items you need to sort on a key fields with duplicates, any draw backs to this? Added indexing is the one thing that comes to mind..

Next I tried filling it from a query, works great and allows sorts. I have wrote an on row exit script to check to see if it is a modification or add and it works fine. But it is writting back to the file on the fly and won't allow for an "Apply Changes" button or to be "Canceled"... I was thinking of tagging the row with a modified field and then on "Apply Changes" filter the table by the modified field then add or modify as need. What is the "proper" way to get it back the the file?
Any other ways to skin this cat?
Thanks as always,
No animals were hurt during this email nor will we be skinning any cats...unless it works better :)