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Another newbie question.
Started by Rich Scheuermann, Sep., 02 2005 11:04 PM - 2 replies
Posted on September, 02 2005 - 11:04 PM
Why are the report menu and report preview dialog in French?
Can this be changed?
Posted on September, 02 2005 - 11:34 PM
Sure...you can do it.
Take a look in the Windev folder for WDPreview project.
You can open it and change what you want.
Remember, when you want to use your WDPreview modified, you need
to include the new Window in your project and do a little modification it then the "Project description"-->"Style"-->"Print Preview Window".
Hope in this help

Why are the report menu and report preview dialog in French?
Can this be changed?
Posted on September, 03 2005 - 1:30 AM
Thanks for the quick answer.
Sure...you can do it.
Take a look in the Windev folder for WDPreview project.
You can open it and change what you want.
Remember, when you want to use your WDPreview modified, you need
to include the new Window in your project and do a little modification it then the "Project description"-->"Style"-->"Print Preview Window".
Hope in this help

Why are the report menu and report preview dialog in French?
Can this be changed?