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Running from a shared folder
Started by Daniel Ramirez, Sep., 03 2005 5:33 AM - 1 reply
Posted on September, 03 2005 - 5:33 AM
Hello all!!
Here I am again with a question related to the use of a WinDev programm in a somewhat unusual way (at least unusual for me...).
Maybe, I have to install a little programm on a Public Folder (Windows Shared Folder) and let around 80 computer run it from there. I can not install in every computer because of some internal politics, so the exe and the hyperfiles will reside in that location.
I will need some gross read/write database permissions, it will be enough with the shared folder permissions established or do I have to use WD groupware? (it would be perfectly fitted to the level of control I need)
I won´t need very big numbers of simultaneous users (I guess no more than 20 at any given moment) nor bytes traveling for each operation, speed could be a concern in this situation??
There is something more I should be aware of when trying to use this aproach??
As always folks, your reactions will be very useful and I will increase my debt with our valuable group.
Posted on September, 04 2005 - 6:55 AM
Running from a shared folder will run fine, however it is necessary to define your data directory within the program startup to stop the possibility of new files being created on the users desktop.
On slower networks this is a big problem and with some maybe slow access, WinDev is more prepared to create new files than wait to see if they extist.
So just use HSubstDir(".",ShareDir) wher the ShareDir is the data directory.
The only other thing you will find is that users preferrences (window size and position - if kept) won't operate per user. the only way out of this is to have the exe located on the user's computer and use HSubstDir(".",ShareDir)again. Don't expect the shortcut "Start in Dir" to work as planned.
Hello all!!
Here I am again with a question related to the use of a WinDev programm in a somewhat unusual way (at least unusual for me...).
Maybe, I have to install a little programm on a Public Folder (Windows Shared Folder) and let around 80 computer run it from there. I can not install in every computer because of some internal politics, so the exe and the hyperfiles will reside in that location.
I will need some gross read/write database permissions, it will be enough with the shared folder permissions established or do I have to use WD groupware? (it would be perfectly fitted to the level of control I need)
I won´t need very big numbers of simultaneous users (I guess no more than 20 at any given moment) nor bytes traveling for each operation, speed could be a concern in this situation??
There is something more I should be aware of when trying to use this aproach??
As always folks, your reactions will be very useful and I will increase my debt with our valuable group.