Home → WINDEV 2024 → ::: Automation object ('LibName.Object') Not Installed...
::: Automation object ('LibName.Object') Not Installed...
Started by Kevin Willis, Feb., 26 2004 9:15 AM - 2 replies
Posted on February, 26 2004 - 9:15 AM
I receive the error:
Automation object ('Libname.Object') not installed on your system.
Both the library (we'll call it Libname) and
COM object (we'll call it Object) are installed, yet Windev
says they are not after it encounters the following
code within the application:
objRef = new object automation "Libname.Object"

Does anyone remember the tool in Windows that allows you to
view the "friendly" names of installed automation servers?
An example of this would be "Excel.Application"

Posted on February, 26 2004 - 10:40 AM
Does anyone remember the tool in Windows that allows you to
view the "friendly" names of installed automation servers?
An example of this would be "Excel.Application"

I use oleview.exe, somewhere downloadable on M$ site.
Posted on February, 26 2004 - 5:41 PM
Yes, I use that - that is a good tool.
However, I can see the object methods, they just
don't seem accessable from WinDev. Very strange.
The automation server I'm having problems with
only mentions VB6 and C++, but if the objects
are visible in those environments, why not any
other that supports COM?
Does anyone remember the tool in Windows that allows you to
view the "friendly" names of installed automation servers?
An example of this would be "Excel.Application"
I use oleview.exe, somewhere downloadable on M$ site.

