Newsgroup dedicated to WINDEV Mobile (current version), in English
« Procedure ValidaCPF(cpf) //Limpa Campo cpf = LimpaCampo(cpf) // Caso coloque todos os numeros iguais SWITCH cpf CASE "00000000000" cpf = "" RESULT(False) CASE "11111111111" cpf =… »
Started on Nov. 18 2014 by
« Procedure Resolucao() // Horizontal resolution of the screen ResHorizRes is int = SysXRes() gloResHorizRes = ResHorizRes // Vertical resolution of the screen ResVertRes is int = … »
Started on Nov. 18 2014 by
« Procedure Clip(LOCAL Texto) Texto = NoSpace(Texto) RESULT(Texto) … »
Started on Nov. 18 2014 by
« Procedure DB_InitializeDatabase() //Connect ok, TabelasOk is boolean = False sDatabaseName is string = "FaixaVermelha.db" sDatabaseNameJournal is string = "FaixaVermelha.db-journa… »
Started on Nov. 18 2014 by
« Procedure DB_GeraConfig() DB_InitializeDatabase() //Gerar Nova Base de Dados Resultado is boolean = False bResultadoADD is boolean = False Registros is int = 0 QRY is Data Sourc… »
Started on Nov. 18 2014 by
« Procedure DB_DiretorioDoCartaoSD(LOCAL Diretorio) DirCartaoSD is string = "" //Verifica se existe o diretorio e cria se nao existir DirCartaoSD = SysDirStorageCard() + ["/"] + Di… »
Started on Nov. 18 2014 by
« Procedure DB_DeleteTodosArquivos(LOCAL ExcluirTudo) TabelasOk is boolean = False WHEN EXCEPTION IN IF HCreationIfNotFound("*") =False OR ExcluirTudo = "S" THEN HCreation(t000_c… »
Started on Nov. 18 2014 by
« Procedure DB_ControleVersaoSql() //VERSAO ATUAL A VERIFICAR VersaoNova is string = "3.0" // <---- aumente a versao para excluir a base antiga antes de publicar no google play … »
Started on Nov. 18 2014 by
« Procedure WS_ExtrairEndereco(endereco) IF GloDebugSN = "S" THEN NextTitle("Extrair Endereço") Info("WS_ExtrairEndereco",endereco) END sRua, sNumero, sBairro, sCidade, sEstado, sP… »
Started on Nov. 18 2014 by
« Procedure WS_CEP_EnderecoDasCoordenadas(LOCAL pLatitude is string, LOCAL pLongitude is string, LOCAL DebugSN) IF GloDebugSN = "S" THEN Info("WS_CEP_EnderecoDasCoordenadas") DebugS… »
Started on Nov. 18 2014 by