Inicio → WINDEV 2024 → [WD8] Setting/getting info about report paper?
[WD8] Setting/getting info about report paper?
Iniciado por Raimund Schuldhaus, 14,jun. 2004 19:53 - 1 respuesta
Publicado el 14,junio 2004 - 19:53
I want to know how to get or set the paper size (A4, letter a.s.o.) of a report. I didn't found properties for such task!?
Best regards

Publicado el 14,junio 2004 - 21:59
Hi Raimund,
afaik, page dimensions of a report cannot be retrieved because - as you can read under associated processes - the report will be resized to the paper size before printing. So, to my eyes, there is nothing like a fixed 'size' of a report. I do not know whether that really works like a zoom while printing the report, but according to manual, it does.
Dimensions of the paper can be retrieved with iPageHeight() and iPageWidth() as know for sure and they can be set with iPaprameter(..) if necessary and support of the printer is there ..
So, if you want to know whether the report will be printed on the desired page size, it should suffice to retrieve the current printer settings and compare them to the desired ones. If not, you could return a warning or even reject the print job.
Best regards,
I want to know how to get or set the paper size (A4, letter a.s.o.) of a report. I didn't found properties for such task!?
Best regards