Foro dedicado a WINDEV (versión actual), en inglés
« Does anyone know if PCSoft has any plans for a native provider for Firebird?… »
Iniciado en 12 sep. 2005 por
« I have two tables defined in the analysis as Organizations ID = AutoIncrement Other fields OrgContacts OrgId = Numeric Other fields They are linked 1 - n on OrgContacts.OrgId = Org… »
Iniciado en 16 sep. 2005 por
« Hello all, I have converted all of the apps we host to HF Client Server and have been very happy with the results. I have recently, however, run into an issue concerning integrity … »
Iniciado en 13 sep. 2005 por
« Is there a way to have my own icons on buttons? Thanks Rich… »
Iniciado en 15 sep. 2005 por
2 respuestas
« Salut, Que pouvez vous me dire sur la robustesse des fichier HyperFile. J ai eu la desagreable surpise de perdre des donnes ce matin suite a une coupure d'electricite. Certain fic… »
Iniciado en 14 sep. 2005 por
1 respuesta
« Salut, Que pouvez vous me dire sur la robustesse des fichier HyperFile. J ai eu la desagreable surpise de perdre des donnes ce matin suite a une coupure d'electricite. Certain fic… »
Iniciado en 14 sep. 2005 por
« Does anyone know of a example of windev using a .net assembly similiar to a activex object ? If so would you be willing to share it. thank you, joe… »
Iniciado en 14 sep. 2005 por
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« Hi there. Third time today. Probably no one ever opens a project on a different place. But I do. We usually open the project on one of our servers. No problemo. Sometimes I make a … »
Iniciado en 09 sep. 2005 por
1 respuesta
« Is there a way to add an item in a combo box and have it automatically added to the table that the combo box fills from? Thanks Rich… »
Iniciado en 11 sep. 2005 por
« I am using a 3rd party COM DLL from Windev 9. Windev statements such as these work fine: gTSARIMASpec:D = goEM>>Arima>>DOrder gTSARIMASpec:AR = goEM>>Arima>>… »
Iniciado en 13 sep. 2005 por
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