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How to open Windev HFSQL Fic files
Iniciado por NatwanTilembar, 06,dic. 2022 07:00 - 1 respuesta
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Publicado el 06,diciembre 2022 - 07:00
I'm trying to read a FIC file that is not encrypted (indeed, the data can almost be read when displaying it). I want to convert this file to a more convenient format, CSV, XML, SQL, etc...

When I try to open it with Windev Express 19, I have an error telling me that the file is password protected. But If there really was a password, the file would be encrypted (I think).

If someone has any idea about what could be the problem. Or any suggestion, I'd be glad.
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Publicado el 06,diciembre 2022 - 09:35