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WebDev Groupware
Iniciado por George Clemons, set., 03 2008 9:39 AM - 3 respostas
Publicado em setembro, 03 2008 - 9:39 AM
I am attempting to import the WebDev groupware hyperfile data files into my analysis. Does anyone know the password to the file?
Publicado em setembro, 04 2008 - 12:47 AM
The password is in the help but is: PCSGPW2001


Ik Been
George Clemons escribió:
I am attempting to import the WebDev groupware hyperfile data files into my analysis. Does anyone know the password to the file?
Publicado em setembro, 04 2008 - 12:49 AM
What i've done is:

1. Activate the user groupware (Workshop->Configure the User Grupware->Enable the management of user groupware)
2. On the "Files" tab, clear the "Password of files" field.
3. Run the application, then close it.
4. Now open your analysis and import the files, they will be imported w/o a password.

Hope this helps!

George Clemons wrote in news message <b39cc0007efde325c050a98a9eeb4094@news.pcsoft>:
> I am attempting to import the WebDev groupware hyperfile data files into my analysis. Does anyone know the password to the file?
Publicado em setembro, 04 2008 - 10:23 PM