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Demo application
Iniciado por Art Bonds, ago., 15 2003 5:34 AM - 1 resposta
Publicado em agosto, 15 2003 - 5:34 AM
Does anybody have a good commercial grade demo application they can share? The demos/examples that come with WD are slightly better than the ones that come with Clarion, so I needed something bigger.
Art Bonds
Database Concepts SW
Anthem, Arizona USA
Publicado em agosto, 15 2003 - 9:48 AM
Hi Arthur,
you could download one from my site http://www.syspredl.at/index_bplus-Dateien/page0052.html
Two drawbacks:
- it's an application for bakeries in German
- it's WinDev 5.5
So, you decide ...
best regards,
Does anybody have a good commercial grade demo application they can share? The demos/examples that come with WD are slightly better than the ones that come with Clarion, so I needed something bigger.
Art Bonds
Database Concepts SW
Anthem, Arizona USA