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Upload certs and the play store
Iniciado por Mike5tew, out., 27 2017 11:44 AM - Sem resposta
Publicado em outubro, 27 2017 - 11:44 AM
This is to try and help anyone else in this situation as well as I can not imagine that this is not happening more widely.

Toolkeys is a tool which is part of the JDK which is created in the initial setup (I believe this is from 21 onwards)

During the generation process it allows you to create a keystore file (,jks) which contains
1. an alias
2. a keystore password
3. a private key password
4. the company name
5 the expiry time in days (given as 6209)

Entering the storepass, alias and private key pass will allow the project to compile...


The google playstore requires the app to be signed with something else called the upload key

This is downloadable as a certificate (.der) file

You can though import a certificate into a keystore
(entered through the command prompt in windows)
keytool -importcert -alias upload_cert -file upload_cert.der -keystore PlanningKeys.jks -storepass passHere -keypass NextPassHere

This is where the good news ends though because from here I can only say what doesn't work

Just having the certificate in as part of the keystore (and entering the private key name and password) will allow the project to generate an APK but the playstore says that this has the wrong SHA1

Changing the private keyname and password to the upload certs alias and password does give the correct SHA1 (you can see this by clicking on the advanced config button. This fails on compilation however.

Keeping the private key and password on the first page and then editing the jarsigner (signature) command (also found in the advance configuration window) to show the upload key and password. Tis generates but still does change the SHA1 so wont upload (making me thing that this command is not being run or is not working for some reason.

-keystore "C:\My Mobile Projects\ESP Seating 2\ESP_Thinking_Ltd.jks" -storepass PASS1 -keypass UploadCertPass -digestalg SHA1 -sigalg SHA1withDSA "Android Planning.apk" UploadCert

Any help from anyone on this please