Inicio → WINDEV Mobile 2024 → WM 17 Andorid Looper - Memory limit to 21 records
WM 17 Andorid Looper - Memory limit to 21 records
Iniciado por LUCIUS, nov., 13 2012 5:06 PM - 2 respostas
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Publicado em novembro, 13 2012 - 5:06 PM
Hi all,

I have a problem in loopers in Android.

I made a looper that is loaded in memory with defult limit to 100,000 records. This looper is indexed and filtred.

The problem is not just this looper but for all loopers in my app that they only show 21 records from database. When I run them in emulator all is OK but on Android device I have this limitation. Loopers are not filled manualy. Looper is connected to a database and columns are linked to fields in database.

When I switch from memory looper to direct access then I have a problem again on Andorid device when scrolling. When I scroll fast then the content of table disapears, and when I scroll very slow then this works OK. Again I don't have this problems when running on emulator just when running on Andorid device.

My device hase Android 4.0.3. version installed.

Can anyone help me?
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7 mensagems
Publicado em novembro, 13 2012 - 7:43 PM
An update.

When I count number of records in my looper I get the real number as it should be. In this case 287, but when I scroll up and down I can see only first 21 records.

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Publicado em janeiro, 31 2013 - 3:33 PM
Define your looper's width less than Window.