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App version Android
Iniciado por Ruan, jul., 21 2022 4:05 PM - 3 respostas
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209 mensagems
Popularité : +1 (1 vote)
Publicado em julho, 21 2022 - 4:05 PM
Good Day

How can I see the version of the app installed on my android? I want it display the version like:

i tried:

IV is InfoVersion

Get no info

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500 mensagems
Popularité : +8 (8 votes)
Publicado em setembro, 29 2022 - 4:13 PM
Hi Ruan

Just on the static control display all the options you have like this:

Then search for the exe version on that menu like this:

With that when you install your app on a device it will show automatically what version the app is

When you execute on a test mode it will show the version of windev mobile (your framework) do not worry about this it's only natural this information on test mode

Hope this helps

Best Regards
Publicado em outubro, 03 2022 - 9:54 AM
Membro registado
209 mensagems
Popularité : +1 (1 vote)
Publicado em outubro, 24 2022 - 8:15 AM
ARV wrote:
Hi Ruan

Just on the static control display all the options you have like this:

Then search for the exe version on that menu like this:

With that when you install your app on a device it will show automatically what version the app is

When you execute on a test mode it will show the version of windev mobile (your framework) do not worry about this it's only natural this information on test mode

Hope this helps

Best Regards


Thanks for the help