Fórum dedicado a WINDEV Mobile (versão atual), em Inglês
« Procedure WS_Android_IOS_HTTPGetResult() // Variable bufResHTTP is Buffer sHTTPResult is string // Retrieves the result of the query bufResHTTP = HTTPGetResult(httpResult) // Re… »
Iniciado em 18 nov. 2014 por
« Dear, I'm putting here the link I posted in the BR group to collect suggestions for improvement of the PCSoft tools have a place where you can check on our needs in our projects. … »
Iniciado em 19 set. 2015 por
« Hi, How i can catch retrieve data ( DataSet or DataTable ) from Web Service , with Windev Mobile ( Android )?? ASAP http://prntscr.com/8h9gr9 Thanks.. Dharma Ridwan… »
Iniciado em 17 set. 2015 por
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« http://windevdesenvolvimento.blogspot.com.br/2015/01/agenda-windevwebdevwibdevmobile-parte-7.html Windev Mobile Sqlite / Show Data Windev móvil SQLite / Mostrar datos… »
Iniciado em 15 jan. 2015 por
« Hi everyone, I am working on a Android app for a tablet which connect to a webservice (it have a SQLite database too), and this webservice connect to a oracle database. That webse… »
Iniciado em 20 mai. 2015 por
« Is there a way to play a selected portion of an MP3 track? I want to develop an application that is able to set a 'from' position and 'to' position on a MP3 file, and then play tha… »
Iniciado em 07 set. 2015 por
« My Webservice is expecting an array of strings but I'm unable to pass the array to my Webservcice using WM20. Here's the declaration of the array: <s:element name="StopOpname"&g… »
Iniciado em 01 set. 2015 por
« I am getting following error while compiling any of the example for Android that ships with WM18. System error message: The system cannot find the file specified. What must be th… »
Iniciado em 25 ago. 2015 por
« Hi, If I get a photo from IOS camera, and store it in a variable named IMG_profile, and I would like to upload it to a http server which is running PHP, how can I do it with HTTPR… »
Iniciado em 19 ago. 2015 por
« Hello, Is it possible to get the value of the light sensor? I can't find anything in the help files.… »
Iniciado em 25 ago. 2015 por
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