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Sidebar in WD8
Started by Kevin Molloy, Jun., 07 2004 1:47 PM - No answer
Posted on June, 07 2004 - 1:47 PM
Hello everyone. I am based in the UK and have been following this excellent forum with interest for some time. I have recently upgraded to WD8 and I am looking forward to using new features, such as sidebar and splitter etc., in my apps.
I have been experimenting with the sidebar control and I don't seem to be able to get it to work. I put the sidebar control in a MDI parent window and placed a couple of button controls on one of the panes. When I run the window in test mode the sidebar is not visible. I repeated the test with a free window and it worked OK. Is this normal behaviour and if so what is the problem with a sidebar in a MDI parent?
Your comments/help will be much appreciated
Kevin Molloy