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[8.0] Statics use
Started by Gerard van Woudenberg, Jun., 21 2004 4:29 PM - 1 reply
Posted on June, 21 2004 - 4:29 PM
Good afternoon programmers,
I am trying to change the Text / Value / Caption of a static. I tried in the initialisation of the object the following syntaxes
Myself..Value="A word" // No change
Myself..Text="Another word" // No Chnage
Myself..Caption="Another try" // error in runtime but no comppile error
The thing about Caption is that the letters turn Black and the C of Caption turns automatically to a capital. In other words it is accepted by the the compiler but at runtime not.
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong.

Our homebase
Posted on June, 21 2004 - 5:20 PM
Good afternoon programmers,
I am trying to change the Text / Value / Caption of a static. I tried in the initialisation of the object the following syntaxes
Myself..Value="A word" // No change
Myself..Text="Another word" // No Chnage
Myself..Caption="Another try" // error in runtime but no comppile error
The thing about Caption is that the letters turn Black and the C of Caption turns automatically to a capital. In other words it is accepted by the the compiler but at runtime not.
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong.

myself = "Piet"
in the initialisation code.
I use windev 8 and it works fine for my.
With Regards,