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Re: List Box on Edit Box problem
Started by robert zhong, Aug., 10 2003 7:57 AM - No answer
Posted on August, 10 2003 - 7:57 AM
Thks Al,
I already have a lot of planes (the window is for the customer's details info, I prefer planes rather than tabs for cleaner look).
what is the difference in properties between the listbox of the combo control and the plain listbox? because the combo listbox always works.
thank you Al.
robert zhong
G'day Robert
Have you tried using planes ?
If you put the listbox on plane 2 and the edit box on plane1 you can switch between the 2 planes when the user clicks on the button. When they exit the list box you can reactivate the edit box plane and hide the listbox plane. Will only work if you don't have a tab panel on the screen.