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WinDev vs. Delphi/Kylix
Started by Vincent van de Rivière, Aug., 05 2005 3:01 PM - 2 replies
Posted on August, 05 2005 - 3:01 PM

I have used another 4-GL IDE for the last couple of years. I have considered switching to Delphi / Kylix, because that supports Windows + Linux and allows you to distribute royalty-free software.

Recently WinDev was brought to my attention. I looked at the WinDev site and it seems almost too good to be true, making me wonder whether there is a catch somewhere.

Of course I can download the trial version and judge for myself, but I would like to hear from WinDev users (espacially those with a Delphi background):
- Why is this tool not used more?
- Is productivity with WinDev really that much higher than with Delphi/Kylix (which has a
much larger user community)?
- How would you describe the pro’s and con’s of WinDev versus Delphi/Kylix?
- functionality
- stability
- ease of development
- documentation

I would appreciate any information that you have.

Kind regards,

Vincent van de Rivière
Posted on September, 01 2005 - 12:29 PM
Beste Vincent,

Sorry dat ik dit op deze wijze doe, maar zeer waarschijnlijk ben jij een van de oud-collega's van Staalbankiers die wij zoeken in het kader van een reunie op 15 september a.s.
Is dit juist en wil je meer informatie, reageer dan via mijn bovenstaande emailadres.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Marina Loeve
Posted on September, 05 2005 - 11:45 PM

I started with Clarion back in the DOS days (around Clarion 2.1) and progressed forward into the windows version and switched to Delphi back around 1995 or 96.

I have been using Windev for a couple of months now. Going through the tutorial book extensively and now constantly reading the programming manual, I'd almost say that Windev is sort of like a clarion on steriods.

At this point in my journey with Windev, there are a few things I haven't quite figured out how to accomplish with windev that I could easily knock out with Delphi. Certainly the third-party component libaries are not nearly as vast as they are with Delphi, but I have to say that I honestly find that I'm not looking for a third party component as much as I would be with Delphi.

From a language syntax, I really like it. . . very simple.

Good luck and I wish you the best.
