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Protecting classes
Started by Patrick Vandebroek, Feb., 03 2004 12:35 PM - 2 replies
Posted on February, 03 2004 - 12:35 PM
Hey all,
If have writing some classes and I want to protect them from modifying by other persons.
When you make an RAD application, all classes are protected. You can't see whats behind.
Is it possible that I protect my classes like in RAD, and how will I do this?
(From Belgium)
Posted on February, 03 2004 - 3:03 PM
If have writing some classes and I want to protect them from modifying by
other persons.

Are you going to deliver them apart with your app ? Or thinking about
to create 3rd party classes :-)
When you make an RAD application, all classes are protected. You can't see
whats behind.

It's possible to view but not to edit. Don't know how they did that.
A bit somewhere in the .WDC ?
>Is it possible that I protect my classes like in RAD, and how will I do this?
Not sure, but i remember Michel Fages once tried/did this. Something like put
your class in a library (WDL), Load the WDL,
and 'clBlaBla is object BlaBla ... (was WD55)
Maybe try to search through "http://forums.wdscript.com/".
Posted on February, 03 2004 - 3:20 PM
Hey all,
If have writing some classes and I want to protect them from modifying by other persons.
When you make an RAD application, all classes are protected. You can't see whats behind.
Is it possible that I protect my classes like in RAD, and how will I do this?
(From Belgium)

We did it about two years ago (are should be working around their upgrade to follow new 7.5 structures)...
official way :
inheritage : create your classes ie
myFormRAD is a class
An object CWDFICHE
next, rewrite (using same names and pattern) methods and you'll be ok
Our way : code cooking
create you class : MyRAdCLass
copy, paste each properties / method from related protected RAD classes.
Edit your classe to modify it as you need...
Create your windows et simply replace object description with you class
gclFiche is an object CWDFiche(...) should become
gclFiche is an object MyRAD_Fiche(...)
here you are.
We also adaptated user groupware with the same way

rbesset.net, french unofficial wd gate