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7.5 saving table settings locally.
Started by Gill, Feb., 15 2004 1:20 AM - 1 reply
Posted on February, 15 2004 - 1:20 AM
I am naughty. I use one instance of my program and run shortcuts to it from workstations. It saves some problems (like non-authorised files on the desktop and other places) but creates others (like the table settings applying to all users.
In the Clarion it was possble to save these settings to a nominated (local) directory for each instance fo the program to look at when running. I can't seem to find the same luxury in WD.
Please help with thanks.
Posted on February, 15 2004 - 1:23 PM
Hi Gill,
I am naughty. I use one instance of my program and run shortcuts to it from
workstations. It saves some problems (like non-authorised files on the
desktop and other places) but creates others (like the table settings
applying to all users.

Not sure (dongle at the office -is not to start the same discussion again - )
but i was thinking that with WD75 there is a possibilty to save the settings
in the registry, don't know if there is a function or if it's just a table
property. (For WD55 we use our own class to set & get table settings)
