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WD8 : some good things to come
Started by Romuald Besset, Mar., 01 2004 4:38 PM - 1 reply
Posted on March, 01 2004 - 4:38 PM
As WD8US will come, i let you some news :
- Zip (WinZip) archive are native enabled
- ControlDelete (with previous ControlCreate) i savailable : now still miss WindowCreate/Delete (hu hu !). Imagine you windows dynamically filled with controls...
- no effective migration problems (from either 7.0 or 7.5) if you had 'clean' codes.
Careful, new compiler view new errors (messtranslate pointing unaffected message numbers...)
Many productive tools regarding projects : code comparison (between projets copies and read only), code analyser (what is taking CPU time)...
A more efficient way to distibute your apps : components / patches / downloadable framework...
So many things that make it better... and many job for tests.
Best regards

French unofficial WinDev open source community.
Posted on March, 01 2004 - 5:41 PM
>>ControlDelete (with previous ControlCreate) i savailable
ControlCreate? Didn't find that in WinDev 8! I assume that you mean ControlClone, right?
A true ControlCreate is on my wish list!
