Inicio → WEBDEV 2024 → How to... modify <BODY> tag?
How to... modify <BODY> tag?
Iniciado por Yaroslav Alpizar, 25,feb. 2008 14:01 - 2 respuestas
Publicado el 25,febrero 2008 - 14:01
Hello everyone... I'm trying to add the following line to the body tago f a page:

<script SRC="/user/res/wz_tooltip.js"></script>

But cannot find how to modify the body tag of the html page...need help ASP...thanks!
Publicado el 16,diciembre 2008 - 20:29
Add an HTML control to your page and paste the <script SRC="/user/res/wz_tooltip.js"></script> in it. All HTML controls placed on the page go inside the Body tag.
Publicado el 09,mayo 2009 - 12:39
Thanks for the hint. I'll try immediately.