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Using ASP.Net Identity in MVC 4
Débuté par Bobby TANOMRED, 22 déc. 2022 11:53 - Aucune réponse
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Posté le 22 décembre 2022 - 11:53
I've been reading about the new auth stuff in the upcoming versions of ASP.net: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/webdev/archive/2013/06/27/introducing-asp-net-identity-membership-system-for-asp-net-applications.aspx

I'm creating a new ASP.net MVC 4 project in visual studio 2012 and I'd like to use the new auth bits if I can. Is this possible?

I'm reading code and trying to wrap my head around this new API. But in the meantime, what steps are involved to get going?