Accueil → WEBDEV 2024 → Resizing of table on browser resize
Resizing of table on browser resize
Débuté par James, 04 juil. 2011 16:54 - 3 réponses
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11 messages
Posté le 04 juillet 2011 - 16:54
Is there a way to lock the bottom of a table to the bottom of the page or 50px from the bottom so when the browser resizes the table height updates. I have it working for the width of the table but for the life of me I cannot get it to work for the height.

Setting height resize doesn't work in conjunction with aligning it to cells in the template.

Thanks in advance.
Posté le 04 juillet 2011 - 22:43

I sent in a tech support question today about this very thing. There seems to be no information anywhere about how or whether this is possible.

Posté le 05 juillet 2011 - 17:04
PCsoft's reply:

(Note: This applies to Ajax tables)

"It is not possible in this version. A suggestion has been registered to improve this behavior."
Membre enregistré
11 messages
Posté le 05 juillet 2011 - 18:04
Thanks Michael for the info.