Accueil → WINDEV (précédentes versions) → Native Oracle error 1004
Native Oracle error 1004
Débuté par SANDRA MENDOZA ( DTS, 23 jan. 2011 05:23 - Aucune réponse
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1 message
Posté le 23 janvier 2011 - 05:23
Hi All, I need help,
we have a Windev 11 application and a webdeb 11 Application with Oracle clients. both uses Oracle Enterrpise edition database in Linux 5 Enterprise.

We have an older error: Native Oracle error 1004 that is generated in peak connections (we can recreate the error using test tool of webdev when web appl. has 250 connections to the database.
We use two types of connections in the same application: tns and analysis conections (to upload large archives to the database).

The database was tunned and we change de server machine with a better machine.
We change older standard edition one to Enterrpise edition.... but the error happen again..

Do you have some idea about it?

Thanks a lot.