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XMLOpen complaining about invalid UTF-8 Character
Débuté par Malcolm, 12 aoû. 2022 15:29 - Aucune réponse
Posté le 12 août 2022 - 15:29
Hi All

Processing an xml message from an 3rd party system and when using XMLOpen got the error

The XML document has not been loaded.
System Error Details: Row 172, Column 55: Input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding !
Bytes: 0xE9 0x5B 0x32 0x30

Now I have tracked this down to a description with the letter é (accented e)
Changing this to a plain e allows the message string to me loaded.

What baffles me is that é is part of the UTF-8 character set.

Anyone have any thoughts?


Using WD23