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[WD12] Installer - first time...
Débuté par DarrenF, 11 juil. 2009 20:17 - 1 réponse
Posté le 11 juillet 2009 - 20:17

Just created a WD installer package for the first time - to test an app on another PC.

It seems to install ok, but when the application runs I just get the standard Security Mechanism error message - is there something I'm missing?

Installer was created on a Vista PC and installed on an XP PC. I didn't include any of the Vista specific setting when creating the installer...
Posté le 13 juillet 2009 - 11:25
DarrenF a écrit :

Just created a WD installer package for the first time - to test an app on another PC.

It seems to install ok, but when the application runs I just get the standard Security Mechanism error message - is there something I'm missing?

Installer was created on a Vista PC and installed on an XP PC. I didn't include any of the Vista specific setting when creating the installer...

The error message could be helpful make a diagnostic of what happened on
the PC.
There should be a reference to the stack and which function the software
had halted, and which code line is concerned.
