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Limits in WDL usage
Débuté par Malc, 25 aoû. 2008 09:34 - 1 réponse
Posté le 25 août 2008 - 09:34
Hi Guys
Anyone out there using WDLs?
I am trying to create some shared libraries, which includes 'generic' code such as base classes for data and connection handling etc, plus sets of global procedures containing standard functions and constants.and variables
When I attempt to use this library with an executable, the global procedures do not seem to be visible, and the classes do not seem to include the methods and members inherited from their superclasses.
In the WDL I have
CCountries is Class
inherits CBaseData
MyProperty1 is String = "Hello"

CBaseData is Class
MyProperty2 is string = "World"

In the exe, I have a form which has an oLib property
This is initialised to CCountries class found in the WDL file.
Global Declarations of MyForm
oLib is CCountries
Initialisation of MyForm
lsTest is string
lsTest = oLib:MyProperty1 // Fine, can be seen
lsTest = oLib:MyPropery2 // This errors with:
// 'MyProperty2' element not found in 'CCountries' class.

Is this a known issue?

Posté le 25 août 2008 - 09:34
As a follow on, I have discovered that whilst inheritance seems to be a problem, object referencing seems ok, so...
In the WDL
CCountries is Class
MyProperty1 is String = "Hello"
MyObject1 is CBaseData

CBaseData is Class
MyProperty2 is string = "World"

In the exe with the form
Global Declarations of MyForm
oLib is CCountries
Initialisation of MyForm
lsTest is string
lsTest = oLib:MyProperty1 // Fine, can be seen
lsTest = oLib:MyObject1:MyPropery2 // seems to be ok