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Does a complete CSS exist for WebDev
Débuté par John, 15 sep. 2008 01:11 - 1 réponse
Posté le 15 septembre 2008 - 01:11
I'm wanting to utilize Cascading Style Sheets in WebDev. I'd like to change quite a few of the elements and possibly be able to select different CSS at runtime.
I'll start one item at a time.
Does a 'complete' CSS exist (I don't care what the style is) that references every WebDev control and each element of the control that I can look at and possibly copy and use as a startging point.
Thank You
Posté le 15 septembre 2008 - 01:47
Hi John,

First thing, go to "Option for generating the HTML code" and uncheck all the items in the "readability of HTML code" section, the one in the left top corner.

WebDev is using CSS already. You will find the WebDev CSS stylesheet in the projectname_WEB folder.

If you want to style an element, say a link, create a style for it in the editor. Do not make any settings here, just create a style. Say you create the style "MyLink", have a look at the HTML code generated: you will find that your link has a class named "MyStyle". Something like <a href="xx" bla bla bla class="MyLink" >Link text</a>.

So now if you want to change the display of the link, just write the proper CSS rule. Say you want your link to be red:

a.mylink {color: #f00;}

Put all these rules into a .CSS file, in your projectname_WEB folder, then tell WebDev you want to use this stylesheet.

Go to Project > Style > Free CSS style sheet

You will find here an example I made for another purpose actually, but it uses an external CSS style sheet, "slimbox.css".

