Accueil → WINDEV 2024 → IP mask
IP mask
Débuté par Piet van Zanten, 24 sep. 2008 01:56 - 5 réponses
Posté le 24 septembre 2008 - 01:56
Anybody got an input mask for ip numbers?
Posté le 24 septembre 2008 - 01:59
Hi Piet,
MatchRegularExpression has an all made example in the wizard. (If this is what you meant in your question.)
Posté le 24 septembre 2008 - 02:01
Hi Alexandre,
Thank you for the suggestion. I now have matchregularexpression working fine, but I cannot get the inputmask working. I use:
as suggested in the help.
With this mask no characters can be typed at all.
Best regards,
Posté le 24 septembre 2008 - 17:40
Hi Piet,
This is because you require a minimum of 4 caracters and when you start you have none. So the input is wrong. You "must" accept a mask with 0 caracters, or at least provide a starting value which is valid.
The InputMask is not good at validating, but is like a guide to help the user input data as required. This is an on going process.
Best regards.
Posté le 24 septembre 2008 - 17:42
Hi Piet...

if I remember correctly my regular expression, yours allow string
between 4 and 15 long.... So when you type your first number, the string
is only ONE long, and is incorrect

What I do generally in thos case is to put as mask something quite
permissive (by example here it would be[0-9.]{1,15}) and then check in
the field exit code with a precise expression if the result is ok (by
the way, Alexandre gave you a much more precise expression that you can use)

Best regards

Fabrice Harari
Consultant WinDev, WebDev et WinDev Mobile International

Plus d'information sur http://fabriceharari.com/index_FR.html

Piet van Zanten wrote:
Hi Alexandre,
Thank you for the suggestion. I now have matchregularexpression working fine, but I cannot get the inputmask working. I use:
as suggested in the help.
With this mask no characters can be typed at all.
Best regards,

Posté le 24 septembre 2008 - 23:57
Thanks guys, again I learned something, it works now as expected.
Best regards,