Accueil → WINDEV 2024 → Naming Conventions - Programming Charter
Naming Conventions - Programming Charter
Débuté par Malc, 06 oct. 2008 21:08 - 1 réponse
Posté le 06 octobre 2008 - 21:08
Hi Guys
Just having a friendly discourse on naming conventions with my colleagues, regarding the defaults in WinDev, or changing them to more common standards (edit charter)
WinDev has no prefix for local variables, more commonly an l is used
LOCAL lbFlag is Boolean
WinDev uses n for most numeric types, wheras i or int for integer is more commonly
seen (and occasionally f for float/r for real)
LOCAL liPrime is int
WinDev uses COMBO_ for combobox control prefix, whereas cbo is more common

Now, not to start a flame war on what is more a personal preference, and not to go into too much detail, but what is everyone else doing. Are you guys all using the defaults?


Posté le 07 octobre 2008 - 02:27
Hi Malc...
I have my own programming charter, and several developer did use it as a starting point for theirs (it's included in my video courses :-)
And the reason is what you just said.. The regular one is not precise enough for me (numerics, etc)...
Personnaly I do NOT use a prefix for local variables, as I already have one for the global and GLOBAL ones :-), so the ones without prefix are local... But that's just me...
In my opinion, the only really important thing is to use a programming charter, either yours or PCSoft is just for me a question of personal confort
Best regards
Fabrice Harari
[url=http://fabriceharari.com]WinDev, WebDev, WinDev Mobile video courses[/url]