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Unicode problem
Débuté par Cherry, 06 jan. 2009 08:00 - 2 réponses
Posté le 06 janvier 2009 - 08:00
Hello Everyone,
I have heard that windev 12 supports unicode and I though we could write unicode string directly in the form such as lebel or edit like VB.Net can but I can't do that in windev when I want to type unicode string(Lao font unicode) then it show like this ??? and all string is ????? so it means it can't show unicode like I understand. Anyone has even encounter the same problem ot has any idea about this problem?
Do the language like French, dutch,... in unicode work ok?
Thanks in advance
Posté le 06 janvier 2009 - 12:28
Hi Cherry...
Did you define your field as Unicode (option to be specifically activated)?
Best regards
Fabrice Harari
[url=http://fabriceharari.com]WinDev, WebDev, WinDev Mobile consulting[/url]
Posté le 08 janvier 2009 - 08:16
Hi Fabrice,
Thanks for your reply.
Yes, I defined my field as Unicode already but it doesn't work for my language so I wonder if another languages are the same.