Accueil → WINDEV 2024 → Setting selection bar in a table
Setting selection bar in a table
Débuté par John Marrone, 10 aoû. 2004 18:26 - Aucune réponse
Posté le 10 août 2004 - 18:26
I have 3 tables. Each table lets say has 10 records. These records are in exact order. Record 1 in
table 1 will be the same cusotmer as record 1 in the other 2 tables. What I want to do is when the user
clicks on a different record in any of the 3 tables the selection bar moves to the same numbered record
in the other 2 tables. So if the user clicks on record 3 in table 2, the selection bar in table 1 and table 3
moves to record 3. Thanks for any help.
John Marrone