Accueil → WINDEV 2024 → Opening/Knowing HyperFile 5.5
Opening/Knowing HyperFile 5.5
Débuté par Daniel Ramirez, 07 aoû. 2003 10:24 - 2 réponses
Posté le 07 août 2003 - 10:24
Hello folks:
Is it possible to open in WD 7.5 or 5.5 an HyperFile 5.5 (.FIC) without having the 5.5 analysis? or maybe there is a way to know the structure of the file to recreate it, Maybe something similar to HDeclareExternal...
I have a 5.5 project and some USER files that have more than 50 files, but sadly 2 of them are out of sync with the analysis I have (one version before the last one), the original analysis was modified, then the project were recompiled and sent to the final user, so the user files were automatically modified and now they doesn't match, worst is that a disk failure made the last backup unrecoverable and I have to do some changes to the aplication.
Getting the final analysis version is out of reach, so I have to dig to find the changes made (very few of them, I know) to recreate the analysis.
Hope I was able to explain myself!!
Thanks for your kind information !!!
Posté le 08 août 2003 - 05:25
Posté le 02 février 2006 - 11:45
Can you tell me your workaround for opening 5.5 .fic files widout analisys file????