Accueil → WINDEV 2024 → US Time
US Time
Débuté par Donald Montaine, 13 mai 2005 10:31 - 4 réponses
Posté le 13 mai 2005 - 10:31
Am I missing something ... it doesn't look like WinDev handles the US standard for time (12 hr clock with AM/PM) well. Even if you choose the "system time" it doesn't handle AM/PM.
Posté le 13 mai 2005 - 17:28
There is a display mask for time that converts to the 12 hr format. Use TimeToString(yourtime,"HH:MM AP"). Do note, however, that this mask does not seem to work with the 12th hour (12am or 12pm); which both display as 00. I am having to hand code that hour at this point.
>Am I missing something ... it doesn't look like WinDev handles the US standard for time (12 hr clock with AM/PM) well. Even if you choose the "system time" it doesn't handle AM/PM.
Posté le 13 mai 2005 - 22:07
I was looking for an input format in the controls that would convert US time to the internal WinDev time. Looks like it is not there in 8 -- hope they have added it in 9. They have the 'system time' option, but it really doesn't handle it correctly in 8.
There is a display mask for time that converts to the 12 hr format. Use TimeToString(yourtime,"HH:MM AP"). Do note, however, that this mask does not seem to work with the 12th hour (12am or 12pm); which both display as 00. I am having to hand code that hour at this point.
Am I missing something ... it doesn't look like WinDev handles the US standard for time (12 hr clock with AM/PM) well. Even if you choose the "system time" it doesn't handle AM/PM.
Posté le 22 mai 2005 - 13:51

I checked the V9 French version and now you've a mask 'HH:MM:SS AM'

I tried the input

11:59:59 PM >> RETURN IN 24H MODE '23:59:59'
11:59:59 AM >> '11:59:59'
12:00:00 AM >> '00:00:00'
12:00:00 PM >> '12:00:00'
Posté le 02 juin 2005 - 02:13
This is good news indeed. I cannot wait for WD9 !!!