Accueil → WINDEV 2024 → fDir does not always find a file (WD75)
fDir does not always find a file (WD75)
Débuté par Albert Buitenhuis, 09 sep. 2005 17:20 - 1 réponse
Posté le 09 septembre 2005 - 17:20
Probably this has something to do with case-sensitivity in a 2K3 environment: fDir SOMETIMES results an empty string (""), even when the file (on the indicated location) does exist, EVEN when the case is correctly entered. For instance:
File X:\Pictures\1234567.jpg:
fDir(X:\Pictures\1234567.JPG) results "" ; (ok)
fDir(X:\Pictures\1234567.jpg) results "1234567.jpg" ; (ok)
File X:\Pictures\1234568.jpg:
fDir(X:\Pictures\1234568.JPG) results "" ; (ok)
fDir(X:\Pictures\1234568.jpg) results "" ; (Incorrect)
I solved this problem using a fListFile-procedure, but is takes a LOT more time. Does anybody have had the same experience; or (more interesting) does anybody have an idea how to overcome this problem?

MSG-i Netherlands NV
Posté le 11 septembre 2005 - 19:37
Hi, Albert,
I don't know in Windev75, but Windev9 seems to work OK, maybe you should try
Fdir(xxxx.xxx, frfile) and see if it works. The dafsult is to find directory.
robert zhong
Probably this has something to do with case-sensitivity in a 2K3 environment: fDir SOMETIMES results an empty string (""), even when the file (on the indicated location) does exist, EVEN when the case is correctly entered. For instance:
File X:\Pictures\1234567.jpg:
fDir(X:\Pictures\1234567.JPG) results "" ; (ok)
fDir(X:\Pictures\1234567.jpg) results "1234567.jpg" ; (ok)
File X:\Pictures\1234568.jpg:
fDir(X:\Pictures\1234568.JPG) results "" ; (ok)
fDir(X:\Pictures\1234568.jpg) results "" ; (Incorrect)
I solved this problem using a fListFile-procedure, but is takes a LOT more time. Does anybody have had the same experience; or (more interesting) does anybody have an idea how to overcome this problem?