Accueil → WINDEV 2024 → UK Windev Users Group
UK Windev Users Group
Débuté par Bob Stratton, 02 fév. 2006 12:12 - Aucune réponse
Posté le 02 février 2006 - 12:12
Now there's an idea!
Hi Uk Windevers, (Sorry everyone else )
We are thinking that it would be a good idea to have a UKWUG.
The idea is to create a sense of community - faces to names - and to exchange info about projects, helpful techniques, basically just networking.... You know, all the usual user group stuff.
There may also be opportunities for developers to find co-development opportunities.
I think it would help the fledgling group of Dev's over in blighty to feel part of a community???
Time and place to be decided, but we'll try to work out where once we know who would like to come along.
Please reply by email if interested.
PS: If any other English speaking Windevers are interested, you are very welcome to come.
Kind regards
Bob Stratton