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WX29 Feature 134
Débuté par Crichton, 04 déc. 2023 23:22 - 2 réponses
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Posté le 04 décembre 2023 - 23:22
Trying to use features 134 and 136. Where is the Icon that needs to be click.
How does one actually do this.

Really needs to be a help on how to use these these new features.
Posté le 06 décembre 2023 - 20:04
to use the code Explanation you need to go to www.openAI.com and get a Key there, then put that key in WINDEV General Options (same with figma)

once that is done, you can highight a section of code right mouse click on it and click the "code Explaination" and it will do that .....

Andy <<Cowboy>> Stapleton
Posté le 07 décembre 2023 - 04:53
Firstly to use the new AI you require an account with OpenAI and to generate a Secret API Key. When you first setup your account you get a credit to use the API. After that you need to pay ongoing via credit card. It looks like it would be pretty cheap but I haven't gone right into it as it's working for free for me at the moment. 🙂

You can get some information on this here:

Once you've got your API Key then in the IDE you go to the "General Options".


Then enter your API Key as shown below:


Once you've entered that then in your project when you've got some code, the following menu choice becomes available:
