Accueil → WINDEV 2024 → yesterday, all my troubles seem so far away (?!)
yesterday, all my troubles seem so far away (?!)
Débuté par Teun van Unen, 06 fév. 2004 14:56 - 1 réponse
Posté le 06 février 2004 - 14:56
Hello developers,
Some people at this forum already 'know' me a little bit because of putting a question on this forum while I was working with the trial-version of WinDev 7.5. But now you all get to know me, because yesterday I have ordered the commercial version of WinDev 7.5US. So in the near future I will put (a lot of?) questions on this forum and then you maybe got sick of me (I don't hope so). I have followed this forum for several months and I am very appreciating (good English?) the way you are helping each other. I hope in the future I can do that too for you : answering questions, but now I am still standing on the other side : ask questions.
For a short intro : I am the owner and only member of UNDIX InformatieSystemen in the Netherlands established in 1976. I started developing in 1969 with NEAT (NCR-315), NEAT/3 (NCR-615), Cobol64 en -78, RPG I en II, a little Pascal, Miracle (the tool from BAAN Company under Unix OS). Since 1995 I am developing in Magic (5.61, now 8.3 and soon 9.4). I have very very little experience with Clarion 5.5 EE and that in my mind I think WinDev is a great product not to replace Magic but as an additional tool. We are (I am) 'market leader' in Holland with an application for crane-hire and related companies to do planning and invoicing with statistics.
Now I think you know me a little bit better and I hope you can and will help me in the near future to raise my knowledge of WinDev .
Kind regards to all of you, Teun

Posté le 06 février 2004 - 15:00
Hello Tuen,
you're welcome.
Hello developers,
Some people at this forum already 'know' me a little bit because of putting a
