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ERP software
Débuté par Zdenko, 30 mai 2007 15:45 - 5 réponses
Posté le 30 mai 2007 - 15:45
Hi everybody from Croatia
I heard about the WinDev last year. I have been doing with another database tools and we created a lot of codes of our Business i.e ERP (Accounting, Planning, Human resources etc) software. But that tools have no more development and support and now we should start from the beginning. Since the logic of Windev and HF is similar to our ex database tool I would like to know if there is a Business (ERP) software developed 100% by WinDev (WebDev, WinDev Mobile) with its natural database HiperFile??
Thanks anyway
Posté le 30 mai 2007 - 14:59
Hi Zdenko!

With WinDev and HiperFile/MSSSQL (on http://www.tytn.biz/stardogs is only screenshot) I develop StarDogs. StarDogs is betting system for dog race. StarDogs is dualscreen application. Screen for operator and screen for gamer. Race starts every 3 minutes, 24 hour daily. Integrated sophistical mathematical model guaranteed profit for organizer (between 17 and 22 percent of traffic) and excellent full realistic, like totally random system, feeling for gamers. I install this system on 157 locations (German, Austria, Croata, Kosovo, BiH, Macedonia, Serbia). All locataion connect, over Internet, to data server with MSSQL. Currently, this system receive cca 8 tickets per second.

Before 2 months I start sketch StarBett and Nautilus. StarBett is sport betting system. Nautilus is CRM/ERP system. On experience StarDogs, for StarBett and Nautilus, I sketch totally losses coupling system based on Web Service and Message-oriented middleware. Also I start sketch new user interface, however for end of design user interface I to wait on english WinDev 11 and Carusel control. Cureently, for this new software, I develop proper InstantMessaging/VOIP/Videoconferencing system/module, naturally 100% in WinDev. My choice/"catch combination" for data store is MySQL/HiperFile. I test combination WinDev/MySql on data from StarDogs. This combination full satisfied all requirements for StarBett and Nautilus.

Mladen Stefanec
Posté le 13 juin 2007 - 19:19
PC Soft Webcamera
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1 message
Posté le 25 octobre 2018 - 06:26
Ecommerce industry has developed in a swift because of its agility and limitless market opportunity it has been providing businesses of all statures. Simply put, ebizframe ERP Software solutions are the leading providers of ERP solutions that have assisted businesses all across the globe with its accuracy and precision gained and developed into the proficient ebizframe ERP Software. This cloud based software is easy to use, its customizable features and simple to use business management modules enables user to adapt to it as per their own convenience and enhance augment their work performance. The ebizframe ERP software enables you multiply your sales performance seamlessly for the e-commerce industry.
Posté le 04 novembre 2020 - 13:11
Wellyx (http://wellyx.com/) management software is best for the fitness and wellness industry. Book Free Demo Now (https://fitness.wellyx.com/book-a-demo/)
Posté le 27 juin 2024 - 05:48
Hi Zdenko,

Yes, there are indeed businesses that have developed comprehensive ERP software entirely using WinDev, WebDev, and WinDev Mobile with the HyperFile database. WinDev's integrated development environment and tools are highly efficient for creating robust ERP systems covering accounting, planning, human resources, and more.

One example is the ERP suite by PC Soft, which has been designed using WinDev tools and HyperFile databases. This suite offers extensive functionalities and demonstrates the capabilities of WinDev in developing complete business solutions. Given your familiarity with similar database tools, you may find WinDev's environment and features quite intuitive and adaptable for your needs.

If you are considering transitioning to WinDev, it might be beneficial to reach out to the WinDev community or PC Soft for more specific case studies and examples that align with your business requirements.

Best regards,
Sunny – https://www.impactfirst.co/id/erp/software-erp