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Android printing ESC/POS
Débuté par Hubert, 16 sep. 2011 12:35 - 4 réponses
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8 messages
Posté le 16 septembre 2011 - 12:35

does someone now how to print from a Android device onto a bluetooth ESC/POS printer ? I thinks it should work ober connectBluetooth(), but what SERVER should I use ?

On Windows Mobile 6.5 I created a buffer with all the text and codes inside, opend sOpen() ond used sWrite(), thats worked because on Windows Mobile the bluetooth printer is rederected over a COM Port.
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26 messages
Posté le 13 octobre 2013 - 11:52
Hi guys,

Anyone who knows how to connect and print to a Bluetooth
mobile printer like Zebra MZ220 in Android or IOS device?
Posté le 29 décembre 2013 - 14:27
I have the same problem too.