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Simple tutorial, using a filter on a looper to display information from a combo box variable in previous window
Iniciado por phreaklulz, mai., 06 2012 10:46 PM - Sem resposta
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Publicado em maio, 06 2012 - 10:46 PM
This is going to be a manual filter. This project is going to be really fast.

Use my last tutorial to set up the connections to the SQlite database. From this point all we have to do is create a new window.

This window will have a combo box, and a button.

Link the combo box to a unique field in the database(same database the looper uses)

Use preset actions to have the button open up the window with the looper

ok, so we got the combo box linked, we have the button ready, lets move to the window with the looper.

everything in this syntax is a different variable you need to know. I will try to explain it the easiest way.

in the code of the "Initialization of looper" write the following code.

HFilter(tablename, tablename.fieldname,windowname.comboboxname)

tablename = the table you have everything else linked to

fieldname = this is the name you want to filter by, this should also be the name of the field the combo box is linked to

windowname = this is the window name that the combo box was build in

comboboxname = this is the name of the combo box.

Once you load the app, everything will work and filter just fine, i hope you enjoyed. All tutorials will be uploaded to my site. I am currently developing the front end. SO if you want the source code, visit www.andersonspc.com to check up on the progress of tutorials