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Re: Suppress Spaces in Report Format
Started by mabeaven, Jul., 02 2003 6:56 AM - No answer
Posted on July, 02 2003 - 6:56 AM
Thank you for the reply. This method will work, but requires the use of a composite field to join the two fields. Does anyone know if there is a way to "suppress" or shrink excess spaces in a report control when all of the control space is not used. ie- compare the two cities Chattanooga and MiamiXXXXXX in a text size 11 control where the X's are spaces. Can the report output "shrink" the spaces to allow the next field to the right to be pulled inward.
Thanks again for the response.
Hi Marc,
In 5.5 and 7.5 using 5.5 hypefile mode: citystate = nospace(city)+" "+nospace(state)

In 7.5 using 7.5 hyperfile mode: citystate=city+" "+state
Hello All,
In working with report formats, a question has arisen regarding suppression of spaces. For example, if City is followed by State in the report output, I want the State to remain close to the city regardless of the length of city name ie. Miami FL instead of Miami FL. Normally, this is referred to as space suppression with short file items in a control. Is anyone familiar with the method for accomplishing this in the Windev Report Editor?