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Identifier in Treeview
Started by backes, May, 01 2003 3:56 PM - 1 reply
Posted on May, 01 2003 - 3:56 PM
Is it possible to read out the identifier of an element in a treeview without
making the selection on its path. This because there are more elements with
the same path


Posted on May, 16 2003 - 8:13 PM
I've written an set of class objects relating to tree controls and had similar
problems. The only way to access a particular node is by its display name
which is unfortunate if you have duplicates. One possible work around (maybe)
relies on the fact that the tree view won't be updated while your code is
executing. Use the TreeGiveChild to iterate through the duplicate names,
and change each one to some temporary unique name. After you change each
one, you can look to see if it has the right identifier. If so, do your
thing to it and then change the names back. Good Luck

"Leon Backes" <backes@ilc-europe.nl> wrote:

Is it possible to read out the identifier of an element in a treeview without
making the selection on its path. This because there are more elements with
the same path

