Newsgroup dedicated to WINDEV (current version), in English
« Hurray for 7.5 english being shipped. I have had the early jump on conversions to 7.5 as I have been obliged to sit at my sister company and upgrade a 5.5 application en francais. … »
Started on May. 15 2003 by
« Dear Madam, Dear Sir, Dear Developer, The CD-ROM containing the version 204k has been sent (today) by post to all registered users (May 5, 2003). We thank you for your patience. … »
Started on May. 05 2003 by
« Dear WinDev Developer, This message is intended to give some information about WinDev 7.5 US Version. WinDev 7.5 version 204k is now available and is currently going through the … »
Started on Apr. 28 2003 by
« get French version WINDEV I can change font(police) in style but i didn't found to change font script ( in example Western,East Europe) - data display correctly ( in a form) but no… »
Started on Apr. 15 2003 by
« Hello, I have a Stored Procedure defined like below. Is it possible to call (with SQLExec) such a SP AND return output parameters to WinDev? Best regards Raimund Schuldhaus CRE… »
Started on Apr. 09 2003 by
« This message concerns the use of ShellExecute() with an Excel document. ShellExecute("c:\my documents\file.xls") may generate error messages if Excel is not already open. In this… »
Started on Jun. 28 2001 by
« Can some one give mi a hint on how to make HFilter's second option Hfilter with a condition. nMes is int nAno is int nMes = 2 nAno = 2001 HFilter( "RECETAS" , "RECETAS.REMES = '… »
Started on Jun. 23 2001 by
« Hello, If I have the Windev dongle attached and behind that a printer (Okipage 14ex on LPT1) then the printer only print nice empty pages. (not only from Windev but also from Word… »
Started on Jun. 18 2001 by
« Hi, I try to create a small class to set the ..brushcolor (..couleurfond) property for some controltypes, who will get the focus, in the complete project The problem is that it l… »
Started on Jun. 26 2001 by
« An invitation to anyone who cares to attend a meeting of Windev developers in Australia in Melbourne, July 1. Time and venue to be announced. Gill… »
Started on Jun. 21 2001 by