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WebGL (Web openGL) trial on WebDev
Débuté par Marc, 11 jan. 2013 12:58 - Aucune réponse
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Popularité : +2 (2 votes)
Posté le 11 janvier 2013 - 12:58

I evaluate the possibility of using WebGL to display 3D images from a WebDev application. I found a great tutorial (simple and short) http://learningwebgl.com/lessons/lesson01/index.html that shows how to create a page to display a WebGL canvas. In addition, tansfer to WebDev seemed trivial ...

I created a micro (5 minutes) project WebDev-Dynamic where I :

1. placed inside an HTML field the sequence below
a. <canvas id="lesson01-canvas" style="bord...(voir exemple WebGL) ...00"></canvas>

2. Copied the script below in the page advanced HTML field property
a. <script type="text/javascript" src="./Learning WebGL — lesson 1_files/glMatrix-0.9.5.min.js"></script>
b. <script id="shader-fs" type="x-shader/x-fragment">
c. >>>>>>>>>>> many additional line see example file>>>>>>
d. function webGLStart() {
e. >>>>>>>>>>> many additional line see example file >>>>>>
f. </script>

3. Added in the page « onload » local navigator procedure the code below
a. JSMéthode("_PAGE_","webGLStart")

It seems to me that the syntax I use to bind the onload event of the page and the script webGLStart within the field "advanced HTML" of the page is wrong but WebDev is silent on the subject.

Has anyone ever tried something similar and wants you to share on the subject?

Cheers, Marc