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SQL Query
Débuté par Cherry, 26 jan. 2008 12:17 - 4 réponses
Posté le 26 janvier 2008 - 12:17
Hello everyone,

I have a problem when I use this code. Someone in this forum advised me to use this but the error occur when I use it.

Here's the example of what I did

sQRYtxt is string ="INSERT INTO TABLE2 (field1, field2, field3)

SELECT field1, field2, field3 FROM TABLE1

WHERE ..."


Anyone has any idea how to solve this problem.

Thanks in Advance

Posté le 26 janvier 2008 - 16:11
Hi Cherry...

I currently don't, and I doubt that anyone could with the elements you are giving us... The first thing you have to learn here is how to ask a question on this forum=:

-1- Copy and paste the REAL query, not a dummy one (or incomplete one) representing what you THINK you coded

-2- In your code, test on possible error after each file access and display the full error message that will give you indications

-3- In your message to the forum, copy the full error message

This way we'll have a chance to have a little idea of what is going on

Best regards


>Hello everyone,

I have a problem when I use this code. Someone in this forum advised me to use this but the error occur when I use it.

>Here's the example of what I did

sQRYtxt is string ="INSERT INTO TABLE2 (field1, field2, field3)

>SELECT field1, field2, field3 FROM TABLE1

WHERE ..."


Anyone has any idea how to solve this problem.

>Thanks in Advance

Posté le 27 janvier 2008 - 20:37
Hi Cherry,

I think I'm the 'Someone' ;-)

I gave this example assuming you knew a little SQL.

But looking at what you tried to do, I see you don't know SQL at all.

In that case , you have to learn it first, or to use only the W-language commands. In that case, there is no possibility to do what you wanted to do : filling a lot of records in a table using another table as source, in one single move. (because W-language commands allways threat data record by record)

Try the following :

- replace the Table1 and Table2 in the example by the real table names you want to use,

- replace the field1,... by the real item names from your table

- Forget the WHERE if you want all rows to be copied.


>Hi Cherry...

I currently don't, and I doubt that anyone could with the elements you are giving us... The first thing you have to learn here is how to ask a question on this forum=:

>-1- Copy and paste the REAL query, not a dummy one (or incomplete one) representing what you THINK you coded

-2- In your code, test on possible error after each file access and display the full error message that will give you indications

>-3- In your message to the forum, copy the full error message

This way we'll have a chance to have a little idea of what is going on

>Best regards


>>Hello everyone,

I have a problem when I use this code. Someone in this forum advised me to use this but the error occur when I use it.

>>Here's the example of what I did

sQRYtxt is string ="INSERT INTO TABLE2 (field1, field2, field3)

>>SELECT field1, field2, field3 FROM TABLE1

WHERE ..."


Anyone has any idea how to solve this problem.

>>Thanks in Advance

Posté le 28 janvier 2008 - 07:46
Hi Leo,

Sorry that I said not clear before.

What I did I did my tables instead of using table1 or table2(I know what I should do with this). I know SQL but I think I should learn how to post questions like Fabrice told me to. The error says "number of values to insert differs from number of items" here's what I did.

Insert into personnel(personnel_ID,name_L,Name_E,date_birth,period)

select personnel_ID,name_L,name_E,date_birth,period from personnel_temporary

Where period=1


>Hi Cherry,

I think I'm the 'Someone' ;-)

>I gave this example assuming you knew a little SQL.

But looking at what you tried to do, I see you don't know SQL at all.

>In that case , you have to learn it first, or to use only the W-language commands. In that case, there is no possibility to do what you wanted to do : filling a lot of records in a table using another table as source, in one single move. (because W-language commands allways threat data record by record)

Try the following :

>- replace the Table1 and Table2 in the example by the real table names you want to use,

- replace the field1,... by the real item names from your table

>- Forget the WHERE if you want all rows to be copied.


>>Hi Cherry...

I currently don't, and I doubt that anyone could with the elements you are giving us... The first thing you have to learn here is how to ask a question on this forum=:

>>-1- Copy and paste the REAL query, not a dummy one (or incomplete one) representing what you THINK you coded

-2- In your code, test on possible error after each file access and display the full error message that will give you indications

>>-3- In your message to the forum, copy the full error message

This way we'll have a chance to have a little idea of what is going on

>>Best regards


>>>Hello everyone,

I have a problem when I use this code. Someone in this forum advised me to use this but the error occur when I use it.

>>>Here's the example of what I did

sQRYtxt is string ="INSERT INTO TABLE2 (field1, field2, field3)

>>>SELECT field1, field2, field3 FROM TABLE1

WHERE ..."


Anyone has any idea how to solve this problem.

>>>Thanks in Advance

Posté le 28 janvier 2008 - 10:28
The error codes produced by sql interpreters are not allways correct.

The item names of both files are identical, therefore you have to specify :


INSERT INTO personnel

            (personnel.personnel_id, personnel.name_l, personnel.name_e,

             personnel.date_birth, personnel.period)

   SELECT personnel_temporary.personnel_id, personnel_temporary.name_l,

          personnel_temporary.name_e, personnel_temporary.date_birth,


     FROM personnel_temporary

    WHERE personnel_temporary.period = 1

Are you shure that the period item is numeric? If not, embed the 1 in single quotes : '1'


PS you can find a lot of usefull sql commands at www.ss64.com

(and at many other sites)

I did't get any SQL education, (did'nt exist yet) I just learned it by reading a few books about SQL. If I can, anybody who can read and has some programming skills can.

Hi Leo,

>Sorry that I said not clear before.

What I did I did my tables instead of using table1 or table2(I know what I should do with this). I know SQL but I think I should learn how to post questions like Fabrice told me to. The error says "number of values to insert differs from number of items" here's what I did.