Accueil → WINDEV 2024 → FORUM: Regarding Spam
FORUM: Regarding Spam
Débuté par GuenterP, 28 juil. 2008 11:26 - Aucune réponse
Posté le 28 juillet 2008 - 11:26
Dear friends,
unfortunately, a continuing stream of unwanted messages (porn, viagra et al.) is directed to this forum. Most of it is hidden to the users thanks to the spam-filtering of mysnip.de. However, about 10-15 of those messages come in each day and are held in a 'to be approved' section of the forum for being released (ha!). However, sometimes the filter bites its master: I apologize to all users who cannot see their message immediately after posting it, because the spam-filter decided to put it into the 'to be approved' bin! Numbers of such postings are small (1 -2 a week), but not insignificant.
In a try to hold the numbers down, I'm applying IP-filtering of single IPs, not of IP-groups. Below you can see a list of the blocked IPs. If, by an improbable accident, your IP is contained in the list, please let me know: office(at)windev.at! Owners of any of the listed IPs cannot post a message on this forum ..