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Test scenario
Débuté par Ashury, 19 aoû. 2008 00:55 - 4 réponses
Posté le 19 août 2008 - 00:55
Hi all,
Is it possible: "Making a test scenario in Win Dev 12 as WLanguage?"
Posté le 19 août 2008 - 00:55
Hi Ashury,
Can you explain what exactly you are trying to do?
Best regards,
Posté le 25 août 2008 - 09:34
Hi Alexander Leclerc,
I tank you very much for your excellent information,
Best Regards,
R. Ashury.
Posté le 25 août 2008 - 09:35
Hi Ashury,
You access the app over the web? Are you sure then it was created in Windev, not in Webdev?
Actually I do not have experience with Windev's auto-test module. I replied to your questions because in all the threads that you opened about this issue, people misunderstood your situation. You were not getting the answers that you need because people on this forum (being developers themselves) naturally assume that you want to auto-test your own application.
I think it is best that you restate your situation. Be as elaborate as possible. I think Alexandre gave you some good advise, but since he did not know that you access the app via a web-browser, it is probably of no use to you. So try to paint the whole picture, instead of offering bits of information piece by piece. Then I am sure it will get you the answers that you are looking for.
Posté le 25 août 2008 - 09:35
Hi Sohan,
i donot have access to code of allication, i can access only the aplication at the web site,
this application is written in WinDev XII, i will be use WinDev XII for testing.
Best Regards,