Accueil → WINDEV 2024 → WD12 - Question about a Looper control
WD12 - Question about a Looper control
Débuté par Gianni Spano, 28 aoû. 2008 18:03 - 3 réponses
Posté le 28 août 2008 - 18:03
Hello to All
I need to create a sort of container that must contains a serie of controls (textbox, shape, static, etc etc) and these controls must be repeated "n" times.
I was investigating about the looper features and i was thinking to use it..
It seems to be near to what i need, but on design time, i can see the controls on the 1st row and i see the repeated zone below the 1st showing the same controls on grayed zone.
During the test the looper is empty. Why?
Do i'm missing something? Do i need to "looperadd" some rows?
This below is a picture of what i'm trying to obtains...


Help and advices are greatly appreciated..
Posté le 28 août 2008 - 18:49
Yes you need to use LooperAdd or LooperAddLine functions.

Some extra info: You can use Looper in two different ways. First one you can add line and edit the last line added, for ex. lastLine.Diagnosi = "bla bla bla". Second (and for me better) way is to use "attribute"s. In the General tab of the looper you set attributes (for ex. first attributes control is edt_diagnosi and property is value) and when you use LooperAddLine you add the values according to these attributes.
Posté le 28 août 2008 - 19:15
Thanks Aybars for your advices...
Posté le 28 août 2008 - 19:15
problem solved by myself!!
Thanks for you attention.